Everything You Need To Know About Split Ends

For people with dry, damaged hair, split-ends are a part of their daily routine. We can talk about split-ends all day long, about how they ruin our hair look and about how they always come back, no matter what you do. But what actually is a split-end? Well, we know what a “split-end” is, as the name tells. But how does the hair get split? What are the reasons? And is there a way we can fix it, or prevent it? Keep on reading to find out.

Trichoptilosis or schizotrichia (don’t worry these aren’t names of a dangerous disease, these are just medical terms for a split-end) is a condition in which the hair shaft splits or frays as a result of certain stressors. Typically, a healthy strand of hair is composed of two major components:

   Cuticle (Protective outer layer of the hair fiber
   Cortex (Innermost layer and thickest part of the hair fiber)


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Cuticles are tiny, individual overlapping scales that coat the hair fiber’s exterior, acting as the first line of defense. The scales of healthy hair lay flat giving the hair strand a smooth appearance. When a hair faces damage, its cuticles are raised, exposing the inner cortex. This makes the hair vulnerable and easily prone to get split or broken. Hence, split-ends.


 Split ends deeply affect the appearance of your hair. Due to damaged and raised cuticles, your hair doesn’t reflect light, or hold the moisture. Hence, it looks extremely dry, dull, non-luminous, and uneven at the ends. Since the raised cuticles do not lie smoothly, they are more prone to tangles and breakage.

Coming to how you can fix your split-ends; an easier solution is to cut them all off. Damaged hair takes a lot of time and consistency to get healthy again. If cutting off is not an option for you, switch to a healthy routine for your hair that has the tendency to reverse the damage. Look for moisturizing products that contain keratin, natural oils and healthy ingredients. Take your heat styling down a notch, and always use nourishing aftercare products such as GK Hair Leave-In Conditioner Cream and Argan Oil Serum.